Our products are made from natural origin ingredients like Aloe Vera Leaf Juice, Natural Wheat proteins, Lavender Oil, Eucalyptus oil and more

We even use human grade Hyaluronic Acid, as we ensure the best quality raw materials for us and our pets

We have been producing professional pet grooming products for the professional industry for 20 years and formulations for contract fillers manufacturing for retail companies not just in the UK but globally

Safe to use on all pets, tried and tested on 1000’s of dogs over the last 20 years

All products are proudly made in the UK supporting our own economy.

All fragrance oils selected are gentle to humans and therefore our pets

Our products are formulated by an industry expert who ensures all ingredients and harmless and effective to your pet

Our production team ensure that all aspects of the brand components and how they operate have been thought through thoroughly, not cost engi- neered ie our deodorizers spray is a gentle mist for maximum coverage and to not scare your beloved pet on application, most brands available at low price have a trigger dispenser that comes out like a jet and often frightens the pet on application

Wags Pet Care